Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Off to the land of Gods and Saints
I have been thinking about why it is I do Ashtanga yoga and at the end of the day I realized I do it because I just want to be a good, honest, and simple man. I feel like the more I do yoga the more of a chance there is of that happening. I have faith in this practice that if I do it I'm going to be okay and the beautiful parts of me will be able to bring forth fruit.
Unfortunately a part of my life consist of me getting in my own way, being socially anxious, caring what people think, uncomfortable with myself, being selfish, I get led astray by bad habits, and I sometimes inflict pain on myself and others. It feels like the more yoga works on me the more its transcends and heals these aspects. Only I will ever know the healing it has brought me inside my soul in just a years time of daily practice. I will never be able to articulate that to someone how much better I feel inside, I am forever indebted and gracious,
Spiritual work if done with some sincerity brings lots of grace, blessings, and hard tests! Its brings forth and awakens the bodies higher intelligence and you develop some awareness about how to go about living righteously in the world. The problem is once yours eyes are opened you can never go back, it is now your responsibility to do the work! So now you take up this responsibility of doing your work, the things no one will ever see and also probably will never understand since I am such a doofus weirdo!
I've learned just a smidgen about gratitude and about having compassion in my ten years of trying to live a spiritual life, key word trying, mostly being full of shit though. I think spiritual work just awakens a deep inner sensitivity and it teaches you life is such a blessings and you have to work very hard to not let that gift go to waste.
In India they say it takes a thousand births to receive a human body! Its an auspicious thing and to think about how many thousands of human births it must of taken to get to the point where you find yoga. Its a double blessing I would think. It also says in the Bhagavad Gita those that try very hard in this life but are led astray and don't reach the final goal that there efforts will not be wasted. In the next life Krishna says you will be born into a house that practices yoga or a environment suitable for spiritual growth so you may continue your work, Thank fucking Jesus guys.
But still I want to give it a go in this life. I want to do profound work so I can have a good heart, sincerity, and do the right things. I want to interact with myself, the people around me, and the earth in a conscious way. I just want to be a good man and then later on be a cool old guy with maybe just a little bit of wisdom. I want to be Jeff bridges is really what I am saying.
The dude abides man.
And so I am off to India on this journey, to the land of Gods and saints. I have always had a fascination with this country, its religion, and people. I am going to the source of the ashtanga lineage to Mysore, India to study ashtanga yoga for about two months. I feel like I am jumping in the deep end of the pool so to speak but I am not stressing it all. The knowledge and wisdom I'll have access to and the ability to grow will be a tremendous opportunity. I am going with a bunch of my teachers as well, little do they know how subtlety annoying I will be trying to pick there brains every single day, god help them.
Life is really far out and really beautiful, I am trying my best and I think its going to be okay. India do what you will with me, help me to become Jeff Bridges, all glory to god, I will forever be giving thanks and praise.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
All Hail the Harmony of Mind and Nature
I am fascinated by ancient cultures and traditions. I find a
lot of inspiration for my own spiritual yearning from the great saints, sadhus,
and souls of India. Today I must mention that one of those great souls have
passed BKS Lyengar a beautiful man and someone who was a scientist,
philosopher, and artist. Thank you for all the knowledge and light you brought
to the world, your life is your message.
I had had a real difficult stretch of weeks lately, I’ve
been in a rut and a mind trip and I didn’t know how to get out of it. Yesterday
I had had enough and decided that I would do my practice at MLC like always but
when I got home, I was going to really sit with myself and calm myself down and
see what was going on inside and why I’ve been so crazy lately. Just with a
little bit of awareness things fell into place and it was like a thousand
pounds of weight off my shoulders. You go out into the world and if you don’t know
how to maintain internal heights the mirror gets dirty. Thank goodness I am
aware at least when my mirror is dirty, and then nights like yesterday the night that BKS died, I was able to clean that mirror a bit. When you have moments like that it shows you the energy and beauty behind
consciousness and the power of spiritual practices and awareness. You have to
be good to yourself and live righteously. You have to learn to listen.
I’ve been really into reading and learning about different
cultures which were steeped in wisdom. I love rituals, ceremonies, anything
ancient that has been done for thousands of years. I think ritual connects you
to something. I stumbled onto the mayan prayer for seven directions and I
really dig it, maybe you will too.
the East, House of Light
wisdom Dawn in us
we may see all things in clarity
the North, House of the Night
Wisdom Ripen in Us
we may know all from within
the West, House of Transformation
Wisdom be transformed into right action
we may do what must be done
the South, House of the Eternal Sun
right action reap the harvest
we may enjoy the fruits of Planetary being
Above, House of Heaven
star people and Ancestors gather
their blessings come to us Now
Below, House of Earth
the heartbeat of her crystal core
us with harmonies to end all war
the Centre, Galactic Source
is everywhere at once
everything be known
the light of mutual love
Yum Hunab Ku Evam Maya E Ma Ho
Hail the Harmony of Mind and Nature
I will never be able to say thank you enough, all glory to god, what a beautiful life, sai ram.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Thanks and Praise To Guruji The Shining Light.
Today was a really beautiful day. I went surfing in the
morning and after crossed the street to go do my practice and take my yoga
sutra class at my home away from home Miami Life Center. I walked into the
mysore room to do my practice, lately I feel like I’ve been hitting my stride. The
initial first months of practice were incredibly difficult. I had a lot of
anger inside when I started and Jesus Christ was it exposed. The practice was
really doing its work on me, purification was taking place and I was on a physical,
mental, emotional, and spiritual roller coaster. I’ve talked to some other
students about this and it turns out I am not crazy and it happens to most of
us. You can imagine my relief!
But now the mind is calmer, the body is more open, and it’s
a more meditative practice. I have really been enjoying it. I am really looking
forward to the coming months. I look back and I can’t believe in just this
short period of time how much this thing that is Ashtanga yoga has given me, so
much health, positivity, energy, growth, and love. I am so in gratitude.
But today is a special day, at MLC we were celebrating Guruji
or Sri K Pattabhi Jois’s life.
He passed away five years ago today.
This man was such a great soul. He was a shining light. I just
wanted to write something short about how much thanks and praise I have in my
heart for this man and what he has given me. I thank the universe that I
somehow found this thing that is Ashtanga. It’s the boat that’s keeping me
afloat in these sometimes rough seas of life. What can I say the man was a
manifestation of love and grace, and I am lucky that although I never met him
physically, he touched my life in every way.
I pray every day to give me the strength to please continue
coming back to my practice, to be strong enough to do my spiritual work. I don’t
know how but I know deep down inside if I stick with this, I am going to be
I shall give thanks and praise until my heart is set ablaze,
all glory to god, what a beautiful life, thank you Guruji for everything from
the bottom of my soul.
Om shanti shanti shanti.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Early struggles, updates, and some good stuff that's happening inside
So I began this practice that is Ashtanga back in November and
started a home practice around early January. I couldn't afford to become a
member so in addition to my home practice I did guided led classes once or
twice a week. Just that was changing my life so out of self-love I said fuck it
and finally decided to roll the dice and have faith that the finances would
work itself out and enrolled as a member which allowed me to start Mysore style
Ashtanga yoga.
I think a lot of us come to this practice and are looking
for transformation and the practice does indeed provide transformation in a
very short period of time, at least for me it has. I now wake up at 5:30 am most days, drive to the
beach to the shala, I arrive and the usually sunny and loud south beach streets
are dark, quite, and very peaceful.
I enter the shala, greet the front desk lady, and grab a
towel. I walk in to the Mysore room, my teacher points to my spot. I set up my
mat, try not to step on anyone in the packed room. I still can’t believe how
many people wake up this early to do this and I just think these people must be
fucking nuts and then realize I’m there too most days with them, so go figure.
I do my opening prayers to myself, and then jump right into
it, there’s always a feeling of oh Jesus here we go again. Then I just try my
best not to get frustrated, sometimes a sense of unworthiness creeps in, anger
and ego poke their heads in too most of the time. I also get very hard on
myself and compare myself to others. These are the negative tendencies of my personality
that have been expressing themselves lately in my practice.
This is also what sometimes gets expressed when I am going
through really difficult situations in life if I’m not being conscious and
aware or otherwise just being a shitty person. So I believe you can use your
asana practice to help you become aware of how you react to things when you’re
being tested. Then you can try and be aware of those emotions during your
practice. Then try your best not to get stuck in the same loop of emotions and instead
of reacting to them respond with equanimity and just accept yourself.
To me this is all
about being becoming stronger inside. It’s about developing your character, integrity,
and equanimity. It’s about doing the work you need to do to transcend and let
go of the bad stuff in you so you can become a better person with more
happiness, joy, and peace inside.
That’s why yoga is a spiritual practice, a very strong one
at that. It breaks you down. I have faith that eventually it’ll build you back
up but I don’t know yet I’m still being broken down so well see.
Lately I've been getting stuck in all my bullshit though.
Every single day I fall out of Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
and get pissed off, I get frustrated in backbends, I hate Janu Sirasana C on the
right side, and my shoulders fight with all their might to bind in anything. I
do a good job at not getting distracted by all the incredibly cute girls, just
looking at my drishti minding my own business, but who am I kidding it’s a distraction.
My right lotus in marichasana D, god damn you my ankle hates you. Oh and my
nose leaks like the hoover dam and I have to blow it like fifty times so none
of the cute girls see snot hanging off my nose. I am about to do Sutra Kriya I
swear to god.
I don’t know how this works but this practice just reveals
all your bullshit too you. It’s really amazing and it’s really hard. I have a
lot of admiration and respect for longtime ashtangi’s and I often wonder if
this is easy for them or if everyone is going through their own unique struggle
in their practice. Am I the only crazy one I can’t be, I think?
The strangest thing though after only a couple months of
daily practice and a month of mysore I feel really good inside, like really
good, like fat kid eating cake good. My sleep schedule is better, waking up
early although hard in the beginning is the best and sometimes I go to La Carreta
after practice and get French toast, bad yogi I know but I digress.
Side note sitting down for breakfast after practice with my
book about Guruji and fresh squeezed orange juice is insanely amazing.
Besides the French toast my diet is a lot better, my anxiety
gone, I don’t feel lazy or lethargic at all, and I feel more alive.
I feel really happy and joyful, cracking more jokes than
usual, and it really helped me to heal from a breakup a couple months ago in a
really healthy way. I really hope she’s doing well by the way universe, she was
an awesome and beautiful person.
My spiritual self-study time has been so much more focused
and I am really loving the Yoga Sutra class being taught by my teacher Patrick and
getting to hang with all the amazing people at the shala. Just being around
positive people that you look up too it makes you stronger and gives you
something to strive for cause you see the fruit of the work and its inspiring,
everyone is so awesome at MLC.
Tomorrow at Mysore I am going to try and go slower tomorrow,
maybe just take it all in, smile a little more and not be so intense tomorrow,
see how that works out for me.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
The Practice, Sincerity, and The Mind
I heard a great quote once that unfortunately I
completely forgot who said it; it went something like “the mind is a wonderful servant,
but it is a horrible master.” Who ever said that hit the nail right on the
fucking head.
What a sticky, tricky thing this mind is, most of us
don’t know how to use it, and so suffering is on its way my friends.
This is the reason we practice yoga, the goal is the
cessation of the fluctuations of the mind, or so I have heard in my Yoga Sutra
class but don’t claim to actually know what that’s means at all. Guruji famously
said practice, practice, practice, and shanti (peace) is coming.
The practice might consist of a billion lifetimes of
work but hey peace is coming right so that’s good. This is why we show up to
our mats every day or do our sadhana or whatever it is that you do. So that in
the next second or perhaps a billion years from now we may achieve SAT CHIT
ANANDA or Samadhi or CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS for my catholic brother and sisters
or really just my grandma, my Jesus loving psychotic grandmother.
So back to the peace that is coming if we go inwards
and do our work. I don’t know why I have faith in that notion but thank God I
do, that’s the grace I've been shown so far. Someone is looking out for me up
there and I am in gratitude. It almost feels like you take one step toward your
practice, God, Shiva whatever you want to call it and it takes three steps
towards you. You don’t have to do a single thing just show up every single day and
it’ll evolve, even if the work for you is as simple as lighting a candle or
smiling at a stranger every day, it doesn't have be a two hour long asana or
japa practice.
I feel in gratitude that although asleep in a dream most
of the time, being strung along by the senses and my mind, constantly getting
caught up in comparing and contrasting myself to others while trying to strike
the perfect pose, and worrying about what cute girls think of me. Even with all
the anxiety ridden thoughts, insecurities, lower nature tendencies, this never
ending loop of pleasure and pain, at least I see this for what it really is, a
mind trip and the most important part that I am NOT the mind.
You see this when you start to play with the mind
and go inward, it’s really interesting.
An asana practice or sitting meditation practice
will really reveal to you on an intimate level just how bat shit insane your
mind is. Then you’ll be terrified because you’’ll realize you've been living in
this your whole life. Metaphorically speaking, it’s like you have just accepted
a ride from an insane cab driver and its prime time traffic in Miami, you’re in Hialeah
on Le Jeune and Jose has a bumper sticking saying he is “El Caballo De A Tila” this
will not end good and so naturally we do our practice so our minds can be
transcended and so we can experience peace and have joy and love in our hearts
instead of always getting caught up in the mind trip or in the cab ride with Jose
and the extremes that come with it.
This is what I am after, peace and love. I believe it’ll
come from my Sadhana one day. I’m trying my best to be a sincere practitioner,
I don’t even know if I have a sincere heart yet or a courageous one at that to
be honest. Sometimes I’m scared I won’t be able to be strong enough to complete
the work or what if I quit and don’t follow the path and stay true to myself, but I've been surprising myself a lot lately and realize I am really strong inside
and I think I am going to be okay. I just want to be a good, honest, simple,
loving, and joyful man and my practice helps me to do that and so I do it,
every day.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
The Ashtanga Yoga Method
Ashtanga Yoga Method: My life preserver.
I have had such an intense spiritual yearning in my
heart for as long as I can remember and thanks to some good karma and luck that
thirst has always been quenched because of the beautiful people around me. I
owe everything to Omphale and Soham they gave me the gift of unconditional love
and the ability to at least sometimes open my eyes and go inward in a world
that is sleeping and going outwards.
Although I was learning and experiencing many things
spiritually I never felt ready to start my sadhana. I didn’t feel rooted in a
practice until I discovered the method that is Ashtanga Yoga.
Ashtanga yoga where do I begin, how do I even
describe what the practice is doing to my soul. From the moments I heard OM
VANDE GURUNAM in the opening invocation I knew I had found my practice.
Ashtanga yoga asks you to throw yourself into the practice sincerely and I am
doing my best to do just that. I feel lighter, happier, at home, and grounded
when doing my very humble practice. I also encounter much struggle and it can
be intense at times. No matter what happens though I know I have my practice,
somehow in a way I can’t comprehend all the answers are present in the
practice, I just have to show up for
many lifetimes maybe billions ha.
When the mind is really acting up in my practice I
just think of Guruji. What can I say about this great man, every once in a
while you encounter a being that just opens you up effortlessly and you can’t
do anything about it, you’re just along for the ride.
Here is my teacher Kino speaking on Sri K Pattabhi
Jois or Guruji
YogaSutra:1.1 atha yoga anushasanam
Translated into now, after having done
prior preparation through life and other practices, the study and practice of
Yoga begins.
I now become the student. I pray for
grace, courage, and strength to have the ability to use this life to do the
work and get to know myself and the beauty of all this.
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